I'm not going to lie, it's been a long couple of days... Although I worked a few days last week, I feel like we've been cooped up in the house for like a month. And I'm definitely ready for Declan to go back to school tomorrow. I'm off one more day until Andy comes home tomorrow night. Unfortunately the badgers lost so his trip was a bust on that front, but I'm sure he had fun being with some old friends... But I can't wait till he gets home!
Declan has been pretty bored and pretty much driving us nuts. It's a fine line between him figuring out that he can't be the center of attention, all the time, because he has 3 baby sisters and us spending 1:1 time with him. Andy and I are taking him to a friends wedding in Puerto Rico at the end of the month, so I'm hoping a few days of 1:1 time with us will help him. The girls are getting a bit "easier" as well, so hopefully we can have more daddy and Declan days...
I can't believe it's 2013... I can't believe that a year ago we didn't even have 4 kids at home with us... I can't believe how much has changed in just one year.... And I can't imagine all the changes that are to come in this next year. The girls will be 2 this time next year and Declan will be 5. THANK YOU JESUS! I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel - we'll be in toddlerhood with the girls and Declan will hopefully be out of his challenging 4s :-)
Here's what we've been up to in the Lawry household the last few days.. Declan really likes to play with the girls. His struggle is that he wants them to be like him, big and strong and he sometimes forgets they are babies... But when he does play nice with them, it's really cute. He likes to create forts and play centers for them. Here are a few pictures of the ones he did today :-)
Both Aven and Stevie were on the other side and Bria was breaking out...
Stevie is like "get me out!? And Bria is like - later sister!
Cute video from this morning... I know, the boy is always in his underwear. What can I say, he would sleep naked if we let him and would go to school in nothing but his underwear. There are times during the day that he does have clothes on - I promise!
The girls fighting over the chair and play cell phone they got for Christmas this year from Grandma Mary... The girls are interacting a lot more now, but not so much playing with each other and loving each other, more like fighting with each other. Over toys and over my lap is causing the biggest tension. It's pretty funny to watch Bria and Aven go at it. Stevie is starting to hold her own as well.
Us trying to find stuff for Declan to do, so why not push your sister in the grocery cart?
Not only are the girls interacting more, but they LOVE their brother. Stevie especially... They get the biggest kick out of him and he honestly is helpful at times. Here's a video of Stevie cracking up with what Declan was doing. She has the exact same laugh he did when he was a baby... So cute...
And in celebration of the game today (which didn't have the outcome we wanted), all the kids dressed in their red and white... The girls (L to R: Aven, Bria and Stevie)
Despite my best attempts, this is as good as I could get with all the kiddos... Either Declan wasn't looking or the girls were crawling away... (Girls L to R: Stevie, Aven and Bria)
Lastly, I was able to get a shot of Bria taking a step... She hasn't been able to get past the 2 steps yet, but it's coming... Aven has also been taking a step as well.
Cute videos, love the blog !!!