Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

I've been in the blog-zone this weekend! Don't expect it to last too long :-) Today, Andy got to have a nice day of going to breakfast, getting a massage, doing a little shopping and going to a movie - although it was all by himself, I know he had a great time! We both think there will be a point in time when we actually want to spend our "days" (i.e. Mother's Day and Father's Day) with our kids, but I'm pretty sure it will be when they are like 20 :-) I know this because this morning before Andy went on his excursion I went to spin class (which I hate but it's good when someone else kicks my butt for 60 minutes instead of me). I got there a little early and I saw these 3 kids in the back (clearly looked like they were siblings) - after I got past my initial annoyance of them taking my normal bike, I saw their dad walk in (which I knew right away because they all yelled 'happy father's day!') They had surprised him by waking up early on a Sunday just to spend time with him and workout with him. So absolutely adorable! So I learned a few things from my class this morning (1) by the time our kids are that age (between 16 and 20), then I think we'll want to spend time with them as well :-) and (2) my body screams like a 90 year olds...

In my moments of craziness, I actually got all the kids to "sit" for a picture... I should get a mother of the year award for my pictures today :-) L to R: Aven, Stevie, Declan (duh) & Bria...

On a side note, Declan said to me today that "when we have more babies, that he wants to name them all Stevie" - I said "um no, this baby factory is closed," to which he corrected me and said "no, I mean we'll have more babies because we'll have three mommies because that's what my sister's will be when they grow up." He must think all babies come in threes because then he proceeded to name each of his sisters three children (most of which were named Stevie).

This one was a better shot of the kids, but Stevie looked like she was getting choked by Declan!

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