Thursday, August 8, 2013

21 Months!

Well I was going to take a hiatus while we spent the month in Wisconsin, but I know there are a few folks that read this blog and like to see updated pictures, who aren't from Wisconsin... Since we've been back in Wisconsin we've swam, swam, swam, played outside, played outside and played outside... That's pretty much it :-) We did make a trip up to my moms with both sets of grandparents on my side, which ended early because they lost power for about 24 hours with some storms in central Wisconsin. We've got a whole lot of month left, which we are looking forward too!

The girls turned 21 months today! Let's see what they are up too...

Aven: Aven likes to throw temper tantrums now. It's a ton of fun and we are really looking forward to these next few years with her (insert sarcasm). Her personality is still the same, she's still not saying many words, but knows what things are and will do them when you ask (i.e. get a book, close the door, get shoes, etc..) She loves being outside and doesn't always like her sisters (at least not yet, now they just get in her way). She pretty much likes all food, but isn't a big fan of fruit. She just started to steal pizza away from Andy and I, so she could follow in her brothers footsteps with that being her favorite food.

Bria: Bria has been a chatterbox lately... She seems to be saying more and more words. You can't always understand what she's saying, but you can if you are creative. Her new thing is standing from the couch or any step and saying "catch" while she jumps toward you. It sounds more like "cat," but it's always in context. Bria is by far our best eater. She takes her time, finishes her meal and doesn't want you to take her away until she has eaten everything. She is oftentimes still in her highchair long after her sisters have started playing.

Stevie: Stevie has been walking a lot since we've been home. Probably partly because she's been outside a tone and partly because there is more room! I wouldn't be surprised if she is walking full time by the time we leave in a few weeks. She's not saying a whole lot either, but is certainly vocal! Stevie is usually a pretty good eater too, but you know she doesn't like something because she will throw it on the floor (she's the worst at this). She pretty much likes most fruit and pretty much anything you will give her.

Here are a few pictures from this past week. I've got some more on my camera that I will download later... (L to R: Stevie, Aven & Bria)

Aven & Bria resting crazy...

Aven :-)


Stevie snuggled in her brother's blanket...

And this is what Declan's been up too...

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