Aven: Aven is our biggest test... She will find anything and everything that will push our buttons. She wants the most attention and if you aren't paying her any, she will go out of her way to make sure you start too. On a daily basis, we see more and more of Declan and constantly catch ourselves comparing her to Declan at that age. She's also the one who wears her emotions on her sleeve - if one is upset, she is sure to be as well and when others are happy she feeds off of them (usually).
- Nicknames: Avie, Ave
- Favorite thing to do: She currently likes her little people, building things (blocks or big legos) and lining things up in a row (magnets. blocks, cars, little people, etc - all in a perfect line). She also loves reading books and coloring.
- Favorite food: Any type of breakfast food (i.e. waffles, hash browns, eggs)
- Favorite toy: Books, blocks, little people and shoes (doesn't matter who's)
- Favorite TV show: Yo Gabba Gabba and Mickey Mouse Club House (she likes TV the most)
- Morning or Night: Night - she's usually the last one to go to bed and her and Stevie often mess around for a good 30-60 minutes while in their cribs. She's always been the most restless of the girls and not much has changed. Although she's like her brother and Dad in the morning or when waking up from naps and tends to be a bit crabby...
- Things she likes to say: Her favorite word and sign continues to be "more" - I'd say, she's the least chatty of the three of them. She says a lot and has full fledged triplet talk but we don't understand a lot of it.
- Funniest thing she does: She loves chasing Declan around and around and around, all over the place... She's really figured out how fun he can be and she just goes nuts with him. She laughs, he laughs and they have a great time. She's also insists upon taking off her shirt randomly throughout the day...
- Nicknames: Bri, Bri Bri, B-B, B
- Favorite thing to do: Climb
- Favorite food: Meat - any kind, chicken, hot dogs, hamburger - oh and she likes bananas now :-)
- Favorite toy: Car, riding toys and books
- Favorite TV show: Yo Gabba Gabba (but she's always been the least interested in TV)
- Morning or Night: Night, definitely not a morning kid... Much like her big brother and Dad, we almost always have to wake her in the morning and she's generally crabby in the morning. Is definitely our best sleeper - first to sleep and last to get up. When her sisters are up chatting away, she's out cold. Can't even remember the last time she woke up in the middle of the night (now I just jinxed it).
- Things she likes to say: Mama, Dada, Papa (for Grandpa), more, done, up, bye, hi and several other things that make sense to her and her sisters but we don't understand.
- Funniest thing she does: Gets naked in the morning or at a minimum takes of her diaper in the morning before we get them all out of bed. It's about every other day that we go in and Bria is either naked, with just a diaper on or has her PJ's on, but no diaper (which is always interesting).
- Nicknames: Sweet Pea (that's what Andy calls her a lot)
- Favorite thing to do: Read books, climb and sit on the top of the couch like a cat (on a blanket).
- Favorite food: Bananas (still)
- Favorite toy: Books, little people, music toys and any of Declan's toys
- Favorite TV show: Yo Gabba Gabba
- Morning or Night: Both, but is happy in the morning (mostly) - she will trade off with Aven on who wakes up first.
- Things she likes to say: Hi
- Funniest thing she does: At night when her and Aven are having their deep conversations, she puts her blanket over her head and walks around her crib while her and Aven laugh hysterically (we watch on the video monitor). She's also become quite the little hoarder... When you get her in the morning, you need to bring with her blanket, lovie, stuffed animal and pillow.
L to R with their crazy hair: Bria, Stevie & Aven...
Trying to get a kids picture - failure...
Stevie and her hoarding... fully dressed, but PJ's back on (just the sleeves) and her collection of the other girl's PJs...
Declan (there must be a theme with our kids not being fully dressed)
Stevie acting like a cat on the top of the couch...
Aven tonight without her shirt on... Oh and I forgot to mention whenever Aven takes her shirt off, Stevie MUST have hers off too.
Crazy Aven...
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